Thursday, May 16, 2013

Martial Arts: Learning the Distinguishing Characteristics of Yoga and Pilates

A large number of people these days believe that yoga and Pilates are just the same knowing the fact that they utilize a mat which is laid flat on the floor when doing the practice; however, they are two different martial arts exercises. Kindly read on in order for you to learn what yoga and Pilates are together with their differences.

Looking Into the Origin

Yoga and Pilates are different when you try to look at their origin. The origin of yoga can be traced back to the generations that existed way back hundreds to thousands of years ago. In the passing of time, the yoga practice has been through a lot of additions and subtractions when it comes to how the practice is performed. Yoga, in the real sense, surpasses the simple definition of bodily exercise. Follow David Lader Tucson AZ videos to learn more about martial arts. There is a specific principle behind the practice of yoga. Mantras, chanting, pranayama and meditation are all essential parts of the practice.

Pilates, on the other hand, was developed by Joseph Pilates in the year 1883. Joseph Pilates, being a sickly boy, made a covenant to himself that he would find a cure to his illness in a natural way. As he grew, he devoted himself to studying a wide variety of bodily exercises such as martial arts, yoga and gymnastics to name a few. In the course of time, Pilates system was developed and he taught this martial art practice to his students.

What Are Their Aims?

Yoga's aim is for a person to achieve spiritual or mental enlightenment. The second objective of yoga is to make a person united in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Those who practice yoga are able to achieve these aims by doing various steps such as meditation, dieting, asanas and breathing exercises. On the contrary, the goal of Pilates system is to achieve overall wellness and vitality. Breath control is always involved when performing Pilates because this will energize and tone a person thereby gaining bodily homeostasis resulting to wellness and strength.

Taking a Glance at the Physical Practice

Yoga is of a wide variety of types, so it follows that there are specific poses and exercises under each type. Some yoga practices require one to use a number of blocks and straps to be able to do the exercise. Other yoga practices, however, are not requiring students to secure any form of props. But for all yoga types, a mat is always utilized.To learn more about martial arts you may ask the expert David M Lader Tucson AZ.

Pilates, on the other hand, makes use of a machine. Nevertheless, Pilates students may do the exercise without using that machine. Other than the machine, a mat is used by a student in performing Pilates.

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